Friday, March 7, 2008

Martini 01-03-08

It was another boring Saturday night. Initially we planned to watch Martian Child but our good friend TK kor forgot about it. Total spoiler that night. End up, me and Joyce had dinner at Sakae Sushi (again). After dinner, we had New Zealand Naturals. Then Tk kor called and we went to Martini Cafe for a drink.
~Martini Cafe~

Tk kor act cool~

What u want?

Hehe...(she's drunk)


This is what caught my attention. LOL..


Shu said...

the toilet sign very bey khi la..

dominiqueban said... see liao he say " wah can do like dat 1 ar? i also wanna go in and do d!!"


Anonymous said...

guan lai the sign is from martini...
saw a lot of this sign from the net... m wondering where it's from... now i know...

dominiqueban said...

actually the sign simply means the male toilet is overlooking the female 1..

Anonymous said...

LoL ban lasam F3..i think u wan overlook the female 1..Hehe..

dominiqueban said...

i got saksi u say those things ok...f3f3