Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Letter to All

Hi All!!!

I know I've not been updating my blog for quite some time. There hasn't been any difference in my life lately. I'm still working in the same place and with the same bunch of helpful colleagues. Still having dinners with my buddies. No dates so far. Difficult to fulfil my criteria. Haha! Life had been smooth so far (touch wood). No major hiccups. I think I will be in a hiatus for a while la. Need to hibernate ma. Who knows? I might surprise you guys with an astounding post in future. Haha! *hint hint*


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentines Eve @ Sanctuary

Dear readers, you guys must be wondering why I didn't update anything on Valentines. Haha..What you expect? An emo post from the emo Ban? LOL!!! Anyway, this year valentines was quite special. I went clubbing. Haha. At 1st we wanted to go Scarlet but don't know why suddenly Nat decided to change to Sanctuary. Doesn't matter la. Just wanna have fun.

Guess again! Haha. I went clubbing with the guy who anti clubbing, XW!! LOL. He claimed that he was forced into the club but I don't remember any pushing or shoving. Haha. Nola.. He didn't want to spoil the mood because everyone is going so he just follow lo. Hehe.

This round of clubbing was real fun. No idea why. But i asked all those who went that night, everyone said they never so much fun clubbing before. Haha. Maybe because that night we had a terror dancer, a crazy octopus, a depressed soul, a loud screamer and a toilet-sitter. Haha...if they see this, they are going to skin me alive.

Anyway, sorry for the late update. I didn't have time to download all the pics that Lynn send me. Thanks Lynn for the photo!

The Guys! (Nic, Me and XW)

Some of The Girls! (Reb, CC, BY and Nat)

More girls! (JH, BY, YL, Lynn and Claire)

Sorry couldn't upload all the pics because some of them are blur and some are quite dark.

Happy Belated Valentines to all!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Could Have, Should Have, Might Have

We could share,
We should share,
We might share.

You want to be heard,
You want to be seen,
You want to be felt.

You refuse to hear,
You refuse to see,
You refuse to feel.

could have not,
should have not,
might have not.

not have could,
not have should,
not have might.

Dedicated to the person that once shared my ups and downs.

We could share,
We should share,
We might share.

could have,
should have,
might have.

You refuse to hear,
You refuse to see,
You refuse to feel.

I want to be heard,
I want to be seen,
I want to be felt.

have could,
have should,
have might.

Dedicated to the person i'm willing to share my ups and downs.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

17 Signs You Love Someone

You look at his/her profile constantly.

When you're on the phone with him/her late at night and he/she hang up, you still miss him/her even when it was just two minutes ago.

You read his/her texts and ims over and over again.

You walk really slow when you're with him/her.

You feel shy whenever he/she is around.

When you think about him/her, your heart beats faster but slower at the same time.

You smile when you hear his/her voice.

When you look at him/her, you can't see the other people around you, you just see him/her.

You start listening to slow songs while thinking about him/her.

He/She is all you think about.

You get high just from his/her scent.

You realize you're always smiling when you're looking at him/her.

You would do anything for him/her!

While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that person, you didn't notice number twelve was missing

You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself.

Hope you guys enjoy this and love is not a nice guessing game to play with. Be brave, be expressive and be obvious! (Smart to talk but I myself is afraid..haha)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dominique's Food Hunting I (featuring Man Lim and Runaway Cat)

I'm so sleepy now but I can't really sleep because the weather is so hot and humid. Why doesn't it rain on the day it is suppose to rain? Sad. Anyway, I'm so sleepy mainly because i woke up at 5am this morning to go food hunting at KL city with 2 of my buddies. Well, the Runaway Cat ran away after some having some fresh fish but me and Man Lim went on searching for the so called best curry puff in town ( it was featured in The Star so i guess it must be the best in town).

Here's the members of Dominique's Food Hunting I


Man Lim (Why Man Lim? I have no idea)

I started my journey at 530am. I picked Man up at about 6am and headed to Serai Inn to pick up RunawayCat. Serai Inn was located at Jalan Hang Lekiu which is supposed to be next to Jalan Raja Chulan. Anyway, we accidentally bumped in Jalan Hang Leki

Here's an early joke by Man.

As we were listen to Ah Q's new song on radio...
Man : Maybe last time when Hang Lekiu was small, his frens call him Ah Q.
Me : LOL?

Ok. Back to the main topic. After picking up RunawayCat, we headed straight to Petaling Street for our first target, the fresh fish porridge. It is suppose to be raw fish porridge but fresh fish sounds nicer so I'll stick to fresh fish porridge. Haha. The fish was serve raw and the boiling hot porridge is to cook the fish.

Here is the fresh raw fish.

The boiling hot porridge with the fresh raw fish. Yummy.

The porridge actually taste great. It is very fine and definitely hot. The fish is just nicely cook under the heat of the porridge. Highly recommended by me. Let's see...Rating 3 1/2 star. Maybe the rating will be higher is we go earlier because according to Man, the porridge taste better at 4-5am. So I guess next time we will go earlier. Haha... No comment by the cat but which cat doesn't like fish? :D HaHa!!

After eating the porridge, RunawayCat suddenly disappear. Haha. Nola. She went for an interview at Park Royal Hotel. So the food hunting trip went on with only both of us. This time, it was difficult because Man Lim had no idea where Jalan Pasar is. I once asked a colleague, he told me it should be somewhere near pudu. Maybe near Pasar Seni. But it was no where to be found. We went driving around KL until we decided to ask someone for direction.

Man went down from the car to ask an uncle for direction. The uncle was very passionate in telling Man how to get to Jalan Pasar. He even drew a map for him. Thanks to the uncle, at last we reached Jalan Pasar. It is located along Jalan Pudu but definitely no where near Pudu.

When we reached there, it was like a success. Haha. Well, Fernando did mentioned that day that we need to celebrate our succes at every opportunity. Haha.

Here's the curry puff (sorry camera lose)

It comes in 2 flavour. Chicken or Mutton. Mutton one taste slightly better but both also very salty. The crust was nice. Man commented that the fillings were a bit creamy. Maybe because of the potato. Overall, the curry puff deserve a thumbs up but saltiness is the main issue here. I'll give it a 2 1/2 star.

Want to join us in our food hunting experience, submit to me the food you wanna try and maybe we can go together this next time. :D

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time Flies

It's me again. Don't you guys find it weird that I'm actually updating my blog everyday. It has been a long time since I had time to update my blog everyday. Yes I do have weekends but weekends are for leisure. Mind you, blogging need attention and brainwork. I need to utilise all my brain cell to read and write at the same time. Especially when I'm in office, I need to be very sensitive with my surrounding. Haha. Just trying to sound dramatic. I actually had a very busy morning. I was studying floor plans, dig into my limited knowledge of marketing trying to plan 2nd stage marketing strategies for my client and checking the details of some packaging. When the clock reached the 12 hour mark, something struck my mind. Oh damn...at this speed i'm going, I'll be bored again after lunch. Just as i thought. I'm now sitting down in front of the screen thinking of what to do. Sometimes i wonder, am i really that free or am i too fast? I hate the idea of not having anything to do. I feel very miserable. That's the reason I turn to blog, hoping to kill some time. While I blog, I've been accused of MSN-ing a few times because to my colleague and boss, when I'm typing during free time, it means chatting in MSN. Anyway, if I put myself in their shoe, I would probably think the same. Blogging is not so bad right? That's what i thought. Haha...

Ok...back to the topic. Time flies when we are busy. That's the reason when we got older, time passed us by faster. Last week when I was back in Penang, I felt time passed me by so fast that I didn't even had enough time to rest. Now that I'm back in KL, I felt time passed me by even faster. I could still remember last week Thursday at this time, I was so sick that I spent the whole noon sleeping and now it is Thursday again. If KL is a fast moving city, does that mean time moved faster as well? Aih...

I was browsing through some blogs yesterday and I saw Junn's blog. He was talking bout silly boys. Aih..I was one of the silly boy those days but I didn't had any crush on the form6 girls lo. Okla...my ex was during my form6 days also but I was in form6 already ma. Hmm..playing football under the rain....I can still remember...we will not stop playing unless the rain get so heavy that we can see each other. Street soccer. I think it is the best sport ever played by any Xaverian. Well, I can still remember how fast we ran if we broke the staff room window. LOL!Prrraaaannnggggg!!! Next moment, the court is empty. Staying back to play street soccer till 5pm is a tradition la. You can't say you never play street soccer before if you are a Xaverian.

Damn..I miss those days. I bet you guys missed it too.

But it is no time to think back. Let's think ahead and fight for a better future. Chiong arhhh!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back to Work!

After spending 9 days in Penang island, I'm now back in KL. Once again entertaining the hectic life of KL city. I can say this year didn't start well for lots of us. I had been hearing complaints and quarrels even on the 1st day of CNY.

Mine didn't start good as well. I was at Lam Wah Ee Hospital on the 1st day of CNY because I had to fetch CK there. He had food allergy. His eyes and lips were swollen. Whole body rashes. Luckily it was mild. He was given 2 injections and some "pills". Haha! On the 4th day, I was down with fever. And i purposely asked my sis to come back KL on the 5th so I can use the car on the 4th. Haiz.

On Saturday, me and CK paid Tai Sui Yeh a visit. As all OX were obliged to go and visit him so that he could blessed them with some luck. Actually not bless la. I think is lend some luck because at the end of the year, we need to return it to him. Hmm...nvm...but Tai Sui Yeh rocks! Just after we visited him, we found a parking at Zim Sum. A lot of cars were queueing up but when we arrived, so zhun got car come out. LOL! We also found a table once we stepped into the restaurant.

I didn't ate a lot during the festive period because most of the time I'm outside. Sadly, I didn't manage to watch any CNY movie. I think I'm going to go for a movie spree this weekend. Who wanna join me?

Well coming back to work was not as exciting as I anticipate. Maybe I just need time to recharge battery. Having a holiday too long is no good. It makes me lazy. I tend to miss Penang more than work. Haha. Anyway, it's normal la i guess. Nobody should rest on their laurels and wait for things to happen. We push for things to happen especially during this time of our life and from the look of the economy, i think we need to push extra hard.

Fighters! Let's unite. This time, is do or die!

By the way, now I'm hoping that Tai Sui Yeh will bless me more in other aspect of life. Hehe....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

9 Days of CNY @ Penang

Time flies when you are having fun. That's all I can say about my fruitful yet disappointed trip back to the Pearl of the Orient. I shouldn't be back here too long because the thought of going back to the fighting life of hectic KL is making hesitation so much more meaningful in life. Haih. I met those i want to meet. I ate those food i craved. I visited places I once hang out. Only 1 major disappointment. I only managed to meet that person I wanted to meet so much, once. It's ok. Either I like it or not, I'm going back to KL in 5 hours time.

I have always wanted to deny this but age is really munching itself into us every moment. CNY doesn't seem so fun anymore. Angpows do not look as appealing as it used to be. No fire crackers were sounded. No anticipation of visiting family and relatives. No mood to walk around shopping malls. No jokes were laughed like how we used to laugh. Is it only me? Or does it hit everyone else as well? I wonder.

Anyway, I need to go pack and get ready to go back to KL. Cheers~

When shall I see you again?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Australian Tennis Open 2009 Women Single Final

Just watched the match between Serena Williams and Dinara Safina. Serena was just too good for Dinara. That's all I can say. Very much a one sided game.

Final Score: 6-0, 6-3

Monday, January 26, 2009



To all my readers and may you guys enjoy a lovely year ahead. Those with money, do save a bit. Those with happiness may you carry on till the rest of your life. Those who found a partner, do get married and get a baby cow so that I can be the god father. Haha. Those who are still searching for a partner (example me even though i already found one...oops...) please work harder to get one. Those who are still studying, do study harder for a better future ahead. Those who wanna be boss, do work towards your dream with lots of aspiration and not inspiration.

Just came back to Penang 2 weeks ago and my life was in a hectic. So busy outside with friends that I don't even have time to sit down and have a proper meal with my family. But... the reunion dinner with my family was a good one.

On Saturday morning, I reached Penang at 9am and I was at the school field playing soccer at 930am. This rox. Haha. Not those particularly great game for me but I think most of us were enjoying the game to the max because Saturday Footie Gang is no longer having any soccer game every Saturday but only on selected Saturday which happen 3-4 times a year. Haha...

On Saturday night, we had a crazy party at XW's house.. Yan drink till wanna vomit because he was so damn filled with beer. Zac who refused to drink initially had to drink too. Everyone had lots of fun la.. A lot of laughter and joy. A lot of "Fuck You" and "You Fuck" also... Haha...

On Sunday, I had another crazy gathering at McD sunrise. Wow. Speaking bout that, I still haven't create the fan club for Kevin Ng. He rox. He actually believed that CK is married and he called CK to congratulate him. He even believed that CK had a baby girl. Oh damn...I almost throw the table at him. Here's the dialogue for you to enjoy...

Me : Eh Junn, kia later let's go CK's house see baby.
Junn : Hmm..wad time? can also actually...
Azli : Let's go la..
Ah Wong : When? When?
Suddenly Kevin asked....
Kevin : How's CK?
Ah Wong : He got married...
Kevin : WTF!!! How can this happen?
Ah Wong : It's real. I had the photos in my friendster. He was wearing tuxedo and we were at the dinner. Right Ban?
Me : Yea la..we had individuals photo of him too. I think mine is in facebook. You can go and see...
Junn and Azli show me faces that they wanna pengsan d.
Kevin : But he's not ready for it!!!
Me : How you know he's not ready?
Kevin : He's only 24 and his look......
Me : Huh?!?!
Ah Wong : Eh...he got a baby girl d la...
Kevin : WTF WTF!!! How can he do that?
Me : Why cannot?
Kevin : He cannot do...
Kennerd : What cannot do? Got result already...
Kevin : NO!!! He's not ready for it...
Everyone: Why?
Kevin : I just don't know how to explain but I don't think he is ready for it. Give me his number. I wanna call him.
Ah Wong : He sleeping la...you know baby cry every night la...
Me : Yea la..now only 10am and it's holiday. Let him sleep la...
Kevin : Give me his number!!!
Kennerd gave him CK's number...
Kevin called CK....

"toot toot toot toot......" (I guessed the following conversation)
CK : Hello...zzzz.....
Kevin : Do you know who am I?
CK : No........
Kevin : I'm Kevin Ng.
CK : ........
Kevin : I heard you got married.....
CK : .......
Kevin : Congratulations!
CK : .......
Kevin : I heard you got a baby...
CK : grrr..........
Kevin : It's a girl right?
CK : .........
Kevin : Okla....see you...take care....
CK : bye

Me : Told you he is sleeping.
Kevin : How can he? He's not ready...
Junn : He wasn't at the hospital when the baby was delivered
Kevin : That's exactly what I meant. How can he like dat?
Junn, Azli and Me almost pengsan d...

The talk goes bla bla bla..and Kevin still insist CK is not ready for it. You guys should be there to witness his expression and "kektung" ness

There were lot's of funny and incredible things...penis enlargement became penis vagina...is there such thing call the ground steward? Damn...Kevin is hell lots of blurness. But he actually brought us a lot of laughter and increased our blood pressure. Haha....

Ok..got to go...once again,


Friday, January 23, 2009

Looking Back at The Year of Rat (2)


Welcome to part 2 of this very anticipating blog entry (perasan case again). Anyway, I'm not gonna talk more about the candy issue but if you don't wanna eat the candy, why did you unwrapped it? Haha.. I know it is metaphoric but whoever that ate chili will feel the spiciness. LOL.. let me reword it in a more comical way.

Ali : I have no intention to eat candy.
Baba : Ok I trust you.
After a few days....
Candy : Ali had been unwrapping me. Sob.
Baba : But I tot Ali say he doesn't wanna eat candy.
Why did Ali unwrapped the candy if he had no intention to eat the candy?

Haha.. I'm just too good at this. Get the link? Woohoo...

In this entry, I'm gonna put my new year resolution here. Some might be quite bizarre but i rather dream 300% and achieve 30% rather den dream 100% and achieve 10%. Haha...

1) Lost 30kg
2) Buy Nokie 5800 Xpress music
3) Drive a Toyota Wish
4) Get an xtra hot date on Valentines
5) Own an Oakley
6) Drink at least one bottle of Black Label every month
7) Go to Waikiki for holiday
8) Get an iMac
9) Get at least 5 celebrities as close friend
10) Gather with my bros for a dinner every month

I believe it is not that difficult to achieve 1 out of 10 gua. Haha!

Got to go sleep d. Driving back Penang in 4 hours time. Can't wait to go footie with my bros. Yeeeharrr!!!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Looking Back at The Year of Rat (1)

I had always wanted to write about my days in the year 2008 but I was quite busy towards the year end and when i was free, i was stricken by laziness. Anyway, life doesn't have take 2 but we do have a take 2 for new year. Haha.. Just 3 weeks ago, we were celebrating new year and now we are inches away from celebrating the other new year. So I guessed I was given a second chance to grant about my life in the year of Rat. Few night ago, while I was lying down on my bed, I felt I had lots of achievement this year. I became a more determine person than before. I took a few difficult decision and I'm still leaving a happy life. Of cos when i looked back, it wasn't easy to make decision like that but after all, it wasn't so bad at all.

Those who knew me well enough would have known what dramatic life i had over the year. Unstoppable twist and turn in every corner of my life. Forcing me into dead end and I had to fight with my evil self to redeem my freedom. Having push myself all the way from zero to now a semi hero (perasan case). Of cos without you guys, my journey would have been incomplete. I might still be trapped in the never ending maze of miserable.

Looking back at it, I did something very proud this year. I graduated! Haha. I'm now a BSc. in Physics with Honour. Woohooo..Not easy ok? Did you guys know that I almost didn't get to graduate because my CGP was only 1.93. Well, I charged all my power and gave a final blast during my last semester and I graduated with 2.53. Hahahahaha...Geng leh? Siao Siao..Don't play play. But after my exam, I was totally worn out. Like those kungfu master charged all their power to one point den blasted it and then slowly die or lose all their power. I'm the lucky one, I just lose all my power. Haha.

I guess I had been reading quite a fair amount of lala blog these days. Even my blogging style is slowly adapting to theirs. Damn...must change!! must change!! ....

Ok let's see what else there is to talk about. Of cos the next most excruciating decision was my move to the big town, Kuala Lumpur. Not a town of dream for anyone who wanted a peaceful life. When I first moved here from Penang, CK told me that KL is a fast moving city. Even the people here walked faster. After staying here for almost half a year, I wondered if I'm now walking faster than usual. Haha. No la. KL is not as scary as it is rumoured. Moreover, the rumours came from anti-KL people. No idea why they anti KL. Traffic jam, Penang also got la. Crimes, I think the rate can fight also. Well, there is one truth among all the rumours, it is a fast moving city. People here fight against time in work. I think even beggars had quota to fulfil. Anyway, contradicting to most of my friends, I'm actually enjoying life in KL. Maybe because they were here for the passed 4 years and they were totally aggravated by the life in KL. Ok. I'll answer you 4 years later (if i manage to survive that long) on how's life in KL. Haha.

About my work, I believed by now most of you would have known that I'm in advertising. My pay is not those dream pay anyone would want but I still stick to my principal, "Every working day is a learning day."Knowledge is beyond value. Haha.

Ok. Enough of KL. Let's see. Hmm...should I stop here? Haha. Of cos the biggest of all those dramas had yet to be unfold in this entry. Seriously wanna say meh? Even though I don't really care but I scared later someone is going to say I brain wash others to make them think I'm the good guy. ROFL. At least I don't threaten people by saying things like, "Don't you feel bad after eating all my candies? I collect the candies for so long and I gave it to you." Nobody asked you to give, you yourself want to give, why blame others? Oops... I think I say too much d. Haha.... But seriously, this is to knock some sense out of you if you were to ever read this entry.

One more thing before I end this entry. I hate people who lied to me face to face. Once bitten, twice shy, thrice you are out of my life. Cheers folks~

p/s Don't chill me. I'm not hot. Do note that this is part 1. Huhu ....V(^_^)V

Monday, January 19, 2009

Crazy Saturday

I had the most unbelievable Saturday in my life. 1st i went for an annual party of my client at VR1 after that i went to Scarlet with my bros. When i reached home, it was around 5am. I was dropped dead tired. But surprisingly, i woke up at 830am. Hmm...weird rite? I thought I was drunk. I drank so much but only sleep for 3 and 1/2 hours. When I woke up, I was ok. Not like my previous 2 drunk experience. Next day wake up seriously no strength to walk also. Haha...Anyway, that's the past.

I left home at 5pm and reach home at 5am. Damn...can u imagine 12 hours of party? Maybe i should sleep more because i feel so tired now that even this morning when i went for the presentation, I was not fully alert. Halfway dozing off in front of a marketing manager of an established international company. Not really dozing off le...just day dreaming but with a smile on the face. Haha.

The 1st party was at VR1. A bistro at Damansara Intan, directly next to the new Tropicana Mall. The place not bad. Quite small though. Just good enough for a small party la. Hehe. After that i went to Scarlet at Cineleisure. Scarlet was not bad. I'm also quite blur d after quite a number of beers at VR1. So when I was at Scarlet, i'm just shaking my booty all the way. Haha.

I don't have this kind of occasion all the time. So it was a real crazy saturday. Wooohooo .... can i have more? :D

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hi! Once again I'm blogging in the office. There is a problem with me lately. I only blog when i feel like blogging. It is no longer a daily routine to me just like when i first started this blog. I believe loads of your guys are too lazy to come visit my blog anymore because there were no updates. Nothing interesting to read anymore and I guessed most of you can see, these days my blog is more photo less talking. Even when i talk, the contents are not powderful enough to capture your reading attention.

Why why why? I wonder. Why am i so not in the mood to blog? Not only that, most of the blogs that i visit, their rate of entries also started to slow down like mine. Are blogger directly proportional to the economy? I doubt so.

Anyway, my daily routine these days are nothing but bored. Just the same old thing every other working adults do. If you are working, you know what i mean. But my job is my latest passion. It occupied most of my time. Working hours for me is like 9 to 9. You might think I'm dumb. Haha. Why work for such long hours? But the end result is beyond words could describe.

Some people work hard for money. Some people work hard to get praised. But for me, I work hard to see the end result regardless good or bad, it is a learning experience. Seriously, if you use your heart to work, it pays. I'm not saying that I don't like money and praises. But the end result is what that makes me smile. Maybe, I'm a person that enjoy the last smile.

OK I know is SS but u all also SS2 ma. LOL! If you guys got listen to 988 lately, then you should be able to understand wad is SS and SS2.

Let me tell you some of the very interesting places I visit recently. Rawang Old Town is really an old town. Not the white coffee Old Town. It is called Rawang Old Town. It looks like a cowboy town. Haha. Remind me of Penang Road in Penang. The other place is JinJang. My colleague told me that JinJang is a scary place to go. But when i took a drive to JinJang, it reminds me of Perak Road in Penang. Oh damn! I seriously miss Penang. Everywhere I go, I relate it to Penang.

But Chinese New Year is coming so I'll be back in Penang soon! Haha.

Actually there is something that I wanted to blog in a separate entry but never mind la. Just add it here cos if I procrastinate again, I don't know when will be the next update.

I was reading some blogs yesterday. I read halfway and then i clicked the (x) at the top right corner. Blogs these days are seriously lacking in quality. Everybody wants to blog but of cos after writing your blog, please paste it at Microsoft Words to spell check and grammar check before posting it out for readers. I'm serious. Sorry SS again, even with my command in English, I have to read all over again before posting it out to public.

Here is the top 2 things that irritates me when i read blogs.

Spelling mistakes don't irritates me because I do it all the time :P. But do make sure that your sentences were correctly formed before posting it out to the public. Reading is a leisure so please don't spoilt it by using words/phrases in the wrong place! Yesterday when i was reading some of the blogs, I had to scratch my head to think what is this fella trying to say. I was so annoyed by this sentence yesterday. "I decided to go to chill out before going home " When i read that, I was like HUH! If he meant that club ChillOut then ok. But the entry is about having a cup of white coffee. Do they serve white coffee in ChillOut? Baileys? I was totally annoyed because the pleasure of reading were disturbed! I think the correct sentence should be "I decided to go chilling out before going home". Correct me if I'm wrong.

Please do not repeat the same facts over and over again. For those blog readers, I think you know that the entries were arrange chronologically according to date. Can you imagine reading a whole page with repeated facts? I was reading this blog.

"I lost my ipod" (2 Dec 2008)
"Sob. Someone stole my ipod" (5 Dec 2008)
"I should have checked my car door if not my ipod won't be stolen" (9 Dec 2008)
"So bored now. Haiz where are you my ipod?" (14 Dec 2008)
"Why i so bad luck? 1st my ipod now my TV! " (18 Dec 2008)
"Damn you whoever that stole my ipod" (23 Dec 2008)
"Emo la..I need my ipod to calm me down" (27 Dec 2008)
"List of bad luck in year 2008: 1) I lost my ipod" (31 Dec 2008)

I wonder how long the list can go. Seriously got me irritated. I almost commented and say "Damn it. Go buy a new one la and stop grunting about it!"

So new blogger and existing blogger, please be reminded and stopped doing mistakes like that. OK?


Monday, January 12, 2009

Cocoaland Chinese New Year Warehouse Sales!!!

Once again Cocoaland is having their annual Chinese New Year warehouse sales. I was there over the weekend. The situation there really people mountain people sea.

So many variety of products, don't know which to choose also. The warehouse sales will be on till 18 Jan 2009 which is this coming Sunday. Lai lai lai!~Come come come!~